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  • A new team of EC members introduced on Tuesday
  • Candidates will have to be legally cleared
  • List of candidates proposed for the EC and their fields of work
U. von der Leyen
President of EC, U. von der Leyen. ELTA

A new team of EC members introduced on Tuesday

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday unveiled the new team of EC members and the policy areas or "portfolios" she will be asked to lead for the next five years, Euronews reported.

Addressing journalists, U. von der Leyen described her newly unveiled College of Commissioners as a "leaner", "more interactive and closer structure" based on the fundamental principles of "prosperity, security and democracy".

The list of EC vice presidents includes representatives from France, Finland, Estonia, Romania, Italy, and Spain, four women and two men, who will be given more opportunities to influence the work of the executive and to mentor groups of Commissioners.

Candidates will have to be legally cleared

U. von der Leyen will send "mission letters" to each candidate setting out her vision for their mandate. All candidates will then be subject to a legal vetting process, hearings in parliamentary committees and a vote to approve their appointment to their new posts.

The legal vetting will be carried out by Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee (JURI).

This means that candidates can be quickly removed if they do not win the support of a Parliament that is more politically divided than in previous mandates. EU governments would then be forced to propose an alternative candidate.

List of candidates proposed for the EC and their fields of work

Ireland: Michael McGrath - for democracy, justice and the rule of law;

Austria: Magnus Brunner for Home Affairs and Migration;

Belgium: Hadja Lahbib, for Preparedness and Crisis Management;

Bulgaria: Ekaterina Zahariyeva for Start-ups, Research and Innovation;

Czech Republic: Jozef Sikela, for International Partnerships;

Denmark: Dan Jørgensen, for Energy and Housing;

Estonia: Kaja Kallas, Vice-President for Foreign and Security Policy and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Defence Policy;

Greece: Apostolos Tzitzikostas, for sustainable transport and tourism;

Spain: Teresa Ribera, Vice-President of the Commission for Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition and Commissioner for Competition;

Italy: Raffaele Fitto, Vice-President of the Commission for Cohesion and Reform, Commissioner for Cohesion Policy, Regional Development and Cities;

Cyprus: Costas Kadis, responsible for Fisheries and Oceans;

Croatia: Dubravka Šuica, for the Mediterranean;

Latvia: Valdis Dombrovskis, for Economy and Productivity, Implementation and Simplification;

Poland: Piotr Serafinas, for Budget, Anti-Fraud and Public Administration;

Lithuania: Andrius Kubilius for Defence and Space;

Luxembourg: Christophe Hansen, for Agriculture and Food;

Malta: Glenn Micallef, for intergenerational justice, culture, youth and sport;

The Netherlands: Wopke Hoekstra, for climate, zero emissions and clean growth and taxation;

Portugal: Maria Luis Alburquerque, for financial services and the Savings and Investment Union;

France: Stéphane Séjourné, Vice-President of the Commission for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy and Commissioner for Industry, SMEs and the Single Market;

Romania: Roxana Mînzatu, Vice-President of the Commission for People, Skills and Preparedness and Commissioner for Skills, Education, Quality Jobs, and Social Rights;

Slovakia: Maroš Šefčovič, responsible for Trade and Economic Security, Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency;

Slovenia: Marta Kos, for Enlargement, Eastern Neighbourhood and Reconstruction of Ukraine;

Finland: Henna Virkkunen, Vice-President of the Commission for Technological Sovereignty, Security and Democracy and Commissioner for Digital and Border Technologies;

Sweden: Jessika Roswall, for Environment, Water Resilience and Competitive Circular Economy;

Hungary: Olivér Várhelyi, for Health and Animal Welfare;

Germany: Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Based on ELTA reports