Understand instantly
  • Automated workplaces, AI, and other advanced technologies are transforming both personal and professional lives
  • Digital literacy is essential for continuous market monitoring
  • Critical thinking ensures informed decisions
  • Future professionals need reactive decision-making
  • Creativity distinguishes humans from technology
  • Universal language translations will become more important
  • Communication skills are vital in an information-rich world
Creativity separates people from technology - it is necessary to remain unique. John Schnobrich/Unsplash

Automated workplaces, AI, and other advanced technologies are transforming both personal and professional lives

Dean of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (VU), Doc. Giedrius Romeika highlights the growing importance of IT skills. He states that IT skills are now essential in nine out of ten jobs. Soon, promising employees will need to think critically, possess interdisciplinary competencies, be flexible, and show a strong interest in their field. So, what six qualities are essential when approaching an employer?

Digital literacy is essential for continuous market monitoring

"A modern specialist must not only excel in their field but also continuously monitor the market, follow trends, and address social issues. In the age of videos and social networks, digital literacy is crucial for accurately conveying a message to the audience in a clear and evocative manner, using correct language, text, and visual elements," says Dean and lecturer of the marketing technology study program, Doc. G. Romeika.

Key digital competencies include basic marketing, IT and communication technologies, evaluating website usability and design, business intelligence, and digital strategy related to business strategy. Essential skills also include knowledge of Excel, mobile marketing, and search engine marketing (SEM).

Critical thinking ensures informed decisions

"Every choice has a cost. If a young person can critically assess the relationship between the benefits received and what will be lost by making a particular decision, they can reasonably weigh the cost of their choice. We all have different perspectives on the world, including how we prefer to teach or learn. As a teacher, my task is to ensure that as many students as possible feel comfortable in class, listen and engage, are not afraid to ask questions, participate in discussions, make decisions even if they are not always correct, maintain their enthusiasm for research, and quickly adapt to today's changes," says Doc. Ilona Kiaušienė, lecturer of the economics and management study program.

Deep economic knowledge enables you to objectively determine which activities are the most profitable, how to earn and spend money, and how to balance work and rest time. Additionally, economic understanding helps you comprehend government operations, assess the effective use of state finances, understand the reasons behind certain decisions, evaluate economic prospects, and recognize their impact on the well-being of individuals and society as a whole, and the overall quality of life.

Future professionals need reactive decision-making

The impact of automation, artificial intelligence, and technology on the labor market is a frequent topic. Financial analytics study program lecturer, Doc. Mantas Valukonis acknowledges colleagues' fears about technology changing the financial sector but believes it will help rather than threaten employees.

"Artificial intelligence will change the specifics of work in the financial sector, but it will be a help rather than a threat," says Doc. M. Valukonis.

Experience shows that it is possible to begin a career in finance while still studying. After completing a bachelor's degree in financial analytics, one can work as an analyst in finance or other companies.

"The most important thing is maintaining constant interest because the financial market changes quickly. You can learn valuation methods and models, but you also need to consistently follow financial news and understand the context," the lecturer explains.

He highlights the opportunity to use the Bloomberg terminal as one of the key advantages of studying at VU. This system provides access to data on various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and derivatives. With more than 80 functions, it allows for in-depth fundamental analysis while minimizing the researcher's time.

Creativity distinguishes humans from technology

"The only dividing line between humans and technology is creativity. Advanced technological solutions are constantly evolving, and we won't always be the first to understand them. Therefore, we must prepare for the future now," asserts information systems and cyber security study program lecturer, Doc. Kęstutis Driaunys.

He emphasizes the necessity of assessing not only the benefits of technological progress but also the threats that arise when technology is used for illegal purposes.

In the field of digital public services, the country has performed exceptionally well. In 2022, Lithuania ranked 14th among the 27 EU member states according to the Digital Economy and Society Index. This index evaluates a wide range of aspects of digital security, from personal data protection to the security of financial transactions. However, it is not only the tools that matter but also the skills of the people who use them.

"More and more activities are moving to the virtual space, so people's understanding of Internet security is becoming important not only on a personal level but also on a national level. It's not only about technical safety measures. The importance of incident management, resistance to disinformation, and public education is also growing," explains the lecturer.

Universal language translations will become more important

As the service sector expands, adaptability to different platforms, languages, cultures, and abilities becomes crucial. Responsible translation, especially for audiovisual content adapted for people with sensory disabilities, is essential.

"The translator must not only accurately describe an image but also remain impartial, avoid imposing personal opinions with comments, refrain from making evaluations, and carefully choose words to avoid offending. For example, when describing images for blind individuals, it is crucial to provide objectivity, attentiveness, and sensitivity to ensure that they can clearly and easily imagine what is happening from the audio representation," explains Dr. Laura Martinkutė.

"A translator of audiovisual content should possess diligence, analytical thinking, attention to detail, an intuitive sense of language, and a propensity for technological knowledge. They should have a passion for cinema, theater, and video games, be able to analyze these audiovisual art forms and be dedicated to finding the most suitable version of the translation text. Simultaneously, they should be eager to learn more about the world and various fields," adds the professor.

She frequently discusses with students the topics requiring specific knowledge and how to accurately describe a person, building, or object. Different people may see and evaluate the same thing differently, but when performing audio descriptions, it is essential to distance oneself from subjective evaluations and seek a universal truth.

Communication skills are vital in an information-rich world

Studies show that about 95% of artists remain unknown to a wider audience, with fame being dependent on effective communication rather than talent. This highlights the importance of blending into various information bubbles.

"This example proves that modern humans are more dependent on communication and its effectiveness than ever before," says Lithuanian Philology and Advertising study program lecturer, Doc. Saulius Keturakis.

"Media content - including speeches, articles, social networking sites, and advertisements - is designed to capture your attention and persuade you to think or act in a certain way. Rhetoric is the study of how texts and images influence people's thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our students examine the cultural, social, and political significance of digital media. The knowledge they gain equips them with tools to influence others and to better understand when and how others influence them," explains VU Kaunas faculty lecturer Dr. Eglė Gabrėnaitė.

She highlights that the deep integration of digital and networked communication technologies prompts us to revisit seemingly self-evident questions: What is a text? Can traditional rhetoric function effectively in the digital medium? What tools of effective communication create efficient and impactful dialogue?

Based on BNS reports.