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  • Massive deportations in Germany
  • People mainly coming back to Turkey
  • Incidents of violence raise more questions
Germany has issues with deportation. Ansgar Scheffold/Unsplash

Massive deportations in Germany

Deportations are on the rise in Germany. According to the Ministry of the Interior, almost 9,500 people were expelled in the first half of 2024.

In the same period in 2003, 7,861 people were deported, compared with 16,430 for the whole year. The number of deportees a year earlier was almost 13,000.

People mainly coming back to Turkey

The largest group of deportees in the first half of the year were Turkish nationals - 915. This was followed by persons with passports from Sakartver (839), North Macedonia (774), Afghanistan (675), Albania (586) and Syria (534).

People were first deported to Sakartvel, North Macedonia, Austria, Albania and Serbia. Berlin is currently not deporting people to Syria and Afghanistan. 

Of the 9 465 persons deported in the first half of the year, the majority—7 848—were reportedly flown out. One-third (3 043) of all deportations were so-called Dublin transfers.

This means the persons were returned to the European country responsible for their asylum procedure since that is where they first arrived.

Incidents of violence raise more questions

After the attack in Solingen, in which a Syrian knifed 3 people to death and wounded 8 others, there have been renewed calls in Germany for more deportations.

According to the media, the man who carried out the attack should have been deported from Germany some time ago, but the authorities did not implement it.

Based on ELTA reports