Understand instantly
  • Some of the world's most influential people are among the visitors and friends of J. Epstein Island
  • Epstein knew Clinton liked young girls
  • B. Clinton continues to deny his links with Epstein
Once again, Epstein is mentioned to have a friendship with Bill Clinton. ELTA

Some of the world's most influential people are among the visitors and friends of J. Epstein Island

A US court recently released hundreds of court documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein. His name has become world famous since he was charged with human trafficking, exploitation of minors, and developing sexual slavery.

For years, it has been rumored that this story of sexual abuse and even possible pedophilia has certainly involved many famous and wealthy personalities, as well as representatives of the world's political, business, and entertainment industries[1].

However, until now, these people have never been exposed. However, last month, US District Judge Loretta Preska ordered the release of most of the court documents that reveal the names of specific possible accomplices in Epstein's crimes. 

The documents were gathered in a civil lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell. She was a loyal friend of Epstein, an accomplice to the crimes, and was sentenced last year to 20 years in prison.

Both her testimony and what the victims have contributed to a list of more than 150 names. Some of them are people who have been named as witnesses of the crime or who have simply aroused suspicion, but others are people who have been associated with Epstein for years.

The latter include Prince Andrew, Duke of York, former US President Bill Clinton, renowned scientist Stephan Hawking, magician and illusionist David Copperfield, and many others.

But this time, let us look more deeply at the relationship between former US President Clinton and Epstein. The victims who testified in court said that Clinton and Epstein were good friends and that the former US President also used his influence to defend his friend.

Epstein knew Clinton liked young girls

Johanna Sjoberg, one of the many women accusing Epstein of sexual abuse, said in her trial testimony that she had never met Clinton in person, but she testified that Epstein had told her that "Clinton likes young girls".

Maxwell stated in her testimony that Clinton had never dined on Epstein's island, but may have done so on Epstein's private jet. She also stated that she knew Doug Band, who worked with Clinton at one time[2].

If that were not enough, newly released court documents also allege that Clinton pressured a prominent magazine and told its staff not to print negative articles about Epstein.

This was stated in an email written in 2011 by Virginia Giuffre, who was the first to publicly accuse Mr Epstein. In the message to the journalist, Giuffre said that the former US President had dropped by Vanity Fair's editorial office and told her that stories about his "good friend should not be written".

This may have happened after Giuffre, who has publicly accused Prince Andrew of abusing her as a teenager in Epstein's entourage, discussed the sale of a photograph of the Prince to Vanity Fair in a correspondence with another journalist.

In one email, the journalist urged Giuffre to allow Vanity Fair to purchase the photograph and was also advised to include the phrase "sex trafficking" in any possible accompanying statement to the magazine. Giuffre replied that she was worried about how Vanity Fair might approach the subject because Epstein's influence was so wide. It soon emerged that the pressure on the publication may have already been exerted by the former US leader.

In fact, a spokesman for Graydon Carter, the former long-time editor of Vanity Fair, said that such a story never actually took place. However, the publication made public the allegations against Epstein as early as 2003. At the time, the journalist Vicky Ward, claimed that Epstein had persuaded the then editor of Vanity Fair, Carter, not to publish two highly incriminating statements. Ward claimed that Carter told her that he believed Epstein[3].

Carter denied these allegations in 2022, claiming that Ward had tried to add allegations of abuse very close to the date of publication, and the magazine did not believe she had credible evidence that would stand up in court.

B. Clinton continues to deny his links with Epstein

For his part, Clinton, 77, has not yet reacted to the renewed association with the notorious Epstein. The former President's spokespersons reiterated his earlier statement that he had no knowledge of Epstein's crimes and had never visited his private island.

In the past, Clinton has also repeatedly rejected all allegations of involvement in anything illegal and claimed that he had no contact with Epstein in the years before his arrest.

In 2019, a spokesman for the former President stated that he had not spoken to Epstein for more than a decade and had no knowledge of such serious crimes[4].

However, Clinton's representatives claim that he had no objection to the release of these documents. His spokesman, Angel Urena, pointed out that, despite the fact that the documents refer to a former President, Clinton is not accused of any wrongdoing, adding that it is almost 20 years since Clinton's last contact with Epstein.