Understand instantly
  • Pornography can lead to murder
  • Violent pornography clouds the mind and leads to crime
  • Pornography is becoming more readily available, which may be reflected in crime statistics
Grant sold his life
Grant fell over the heels for the adult content star. Screenshot

Pornography can lead to murder

Pornography can become not only an addiction that destroys a relationship with a partner but also an obsession that can lead to murder. The tragic story of one American family shows this.

Grant Amato lived in Florida with his parents and brother. He had always wanted to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, a doctor who had even applied to university to study medicine.

However, although he was accepted to his dream university, he was quickly expelled. The boy simply failed his exams repeatedly, and he was unsuccessful in his studies[1].

He then took a job as a support worker in a medical institution but was soon dismissed from that job too. It turned out that he had been stealing strong painkillers from the hospital and had to pay the hospital back for the USD 2,000 he had caused.

Grant's brother Cody then paid the huge debt and Grant found himself on the street, although his parents soon brought him back to the family home.

Once back at his parents' house, Grant started streaming his computer games on Twitch to earn some money.

But it wasn't long before he got hooked on the porn site My Free Cams, which was the predecessor of the now-popular OnlyFans platform.
It was on this porn site that he met and became almost obsessed with the Bulgarian porn actress Silvija Ventsislavova, buying all of Silvija's porn videos and even regularly sending her gifts, thus spending all of his scarce savings.

In order to continue watching the porn actress' content and pampering her with gifts, Grant eventually started stealing his parents' money, stealing almost 200 000 dollars from them.

When his parents realized that their son had spent almost all of his money on a porn actress, Grant's father signed a contract with his son, telling him to get a job immediately and pay back the money he had stolen as soon as possible. In the contract, the father also obliged his son to apologize to his family and forbade him to use the computer and telephone[2].

For a while, Grant seemed to have forgotten Silvia, but one day he asked his mother for her phone again so that he could contact the porn actress. His mother, seeing that her son was broken, gave him her mobile phone. When Grant's father found out, he kicked his son out of the family home.

This was probably the turning point that led to the tragic fate of this family. The next day, Grant arrived at his parents' house, walked through the door, and shot his mother in the back of the head.
He then waited for his father to return from work and shot him, too. He took his father's phone and texted his brother Cody to come to his parent's house immediately, and when he did, he shot his brother and then put the gun to his body in an attempt to frame him for his parents' murder.

But the officers immediately saw through the ruse, and Grant was arrested a few days after the murder.

However, he did not confess to what he had actually done, even though he was found guilty during the trial. The court sought the death penalty, but Grant was imprisoned for life without parole.

Grant killed his family for money. Screenshot
Grant killed his family for money. Screenshot

Violent pornography clouds the mind and leads to crime

Sadly, this is not the only story where an obsession with pornography leads to horrific crimes. 2018 m. In the UK, a man addicted to violent pornography stabbed his neighbor to death with a knife and even had sex with her body.

Ryan Thornton attacked Stella Domador-Kuzma in her own bed, stabbing her 17 times. Just before the attack, the boyfriend was watching a violent pornographic film on his computer.

He had recently moved into a shared four-bedroom flat with four people renting separate rooms[3].

The perpetrator was not a friend of the victim and simply used a spare set of keys in the kitchen to gain access to the victim's bedroom.

After his arrest, Thornton's computer was found to contain other videos of violence and forced sex porn, as well as indecent images of children.

He pleaded guilty to the offense and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 22 and a half years.

Pornography is becoming more readily available, which may be reflected in crime statistics

The link between pornography and violent crime has been increasingly discussed in the public domain recently. 

After all, pornographic content not only changes attitudes towards sex or romantic relationships but can also shape certain real-life actions[4].

Successive studies have shown that consumers of violent and non-violent pornographic content are more likely to use verbal abuse, drugs and alcohol to coerce people into sex. In addition, numerous studies have shown that exposure to both violent and non-violent pornography content increases aggressive behavior, including violent fantasies and violent attacks.

Concerns are particularly pronounced when it comes to sexual offenses. Around 13% of girls aged 14 to 17 say they have been strangled at least once during sex; doctors report that such injuries associated with rape are also seen in women who say they have never been raped, and child pornography and human trafficking have become a multi-billion dollar industry, even though they are officially illegal.

It is also worrying that pornography seems to be becoming more accessible every day. In 2013, it was claimed that pornographic websites receive more visitors each month than platforms such as Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

In fact, it is estimated that 2.5 million people visit the world's most popular porn sites every 60 seconds, and the top three porn sites alone receive 135 000 new user visits per minute.

The main users of such sites are in the US, where some 40 million people claim to consume pornographic content regularly, but this is becoming a problem that is rapidly affecting the whole world and its increasingly young population.