- Ch. Berger admits many mistakes were made in vaccinating the public
- Mass vaccination of minors could have been avoided during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Coronavirus vaccination is directly associated with an increased risk of myocarditis
Ch. Berger admits many mistakes were made in vaccinating the public
Christoph Berger, who served as head of the Swiss Federal Vaccine Commission, admits that the vaccine commission received "instructions from abroad" and that many of those vaccinated with COVID-19 during the pandemic developed myocarditis. Vaccine experts and scientists no longer hide this, although the media are very cautious about reporting this information.
In a recent interview with Swiss public television and in InfoSperber articles, Ch. Berger admitted to feeling pressure from the Federal Vaccination Commission (FCV), receiving unnecessary recommendations on childhood vaccination, and the risk of severe side effects from COVID-19 vaccines[1].
This is not the first time that Ch. It is not the first time that Berger has recalled the pandemic that will engulf the world in the 2020-2022 period, during which he was one of the key players in Switzerland, and he can now admit to some of the mistakes he made.
For the first time, in an article published in the Tages Anzeiger on 22 January 2023, he admits that the COVID-19 vaccines can indeed cause serious side effects.
The second time, in another interview with the same newspaper, and also on the topic "Made for Swiss public television", he said that if he had to do the same thing again, he would be "more careful", especially about injections for children and adolescents and coercive measures taken against the population.
Mass vaccination of minors could have been avoided during the COVID-19 pandemic
In a recent interview with SRF, part of the InfoSperber series of articles, Ch. Berger admitted mistakes in the vaccination process. Ch. Berger made no secret that international agreements, directives issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and political pressures had influenced the Federal Commission for Vaccination (FCV) decisions and called into question its declared independence.
For his part, Ch. Berger admitted that it was "clearly not necessary" to vaccinate children, even though the recommendations were carefully worded and largely ignored. Despite acknowledging the more serious side effects of the vaccine than officially reported, he defended the mRNA technology and argued that the benefits of the campaign outweighed the risks and considered the side effects as an acceptable trade-off[2].
The Swiss media report that rumors of a change of heart after his abduction in 2022 remain unfounded, as it is pointed out that Ch. Berger continues to hold his fundamental views.
The doctor acknowledged that mass vaccination has not been without its consequences, the most common of which is myocarditis.
"Of all the population groups, myocarditis after vaccination with the COVID mRNA vaccine was most common in young men and adolescents. It has now been shown that the majority of those affected suffered heart damage similar to that caused by myocarditis, which is also associated with an increased risk of death. It is impossible to predict whether the victims will later develop heart failure or heart muscle disease or even face the risk of sudden death from cardiac arrest," he said.
Coronavirus vaccination is directly associated with an increased risk of myocarditis
Meanwhile, a 2024 study analyzing the link between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis showed that there is indeed an association, although not a significant one.
The findings indicate that vaccination with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is associated with an increased risk of myocarditis but at a much lower risk than that associated with COVID-19 infection.
"To date, no clear mechanism of vaccine-associated myocarditis has been identified and further epidemiological, clinical and non-clinical studies are needed. The EMA will continuously monitor the emerging evidence and update the public and information on COVID-19 vaccines as necessary." - the conclusions of this study state.
Although the media coverage of a possible increased risk of myocarditis after coronavirus vaccination has so far been muted, the experts who have spoken up are not hiding the fact that there is a link.
In 2022, scientists also carried out a study to find out whether mRNA vaccines can really cause an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. It has been observed that young men often develop these diseases after the vaccine[3].
The study, which involved 10.6 million doses of mRNA vaccine, recorded 411 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after any dose of mRNA vaccine, of which 33-42% occurred in people aged 18-25 years, 58-73% in men, and 6-13% in people with a prior diagnosis of COVID-19.
In comparison, among COVID-19 mRNA vaccine recipients, the prevalence was 12-14% in 18-25 year olds, 52-53% in males, and 7% in people diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last year.